
Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sunday Morning Talkshows

Meet the Press: The candidates' respective gaffes received some attention. Mary Cheney 3-4 min. versus Osama bin Laden 30 sec. ; Bush bulge-no answer, just laughs. Ha, ha. Crazy people who want to know what was in Bush's back. They're so crazy. And funny. Let's laugh at them. On the Republican side laughing to completely avoid the question, on the Democratic side to avoid the spectre of the embarassment of the appearance of possibly giving any weight to conspiracy theory. Crazy people. I just want to know what the hell it was. I don't think it was a wire, but what was it? Bob Shrum is only slightly less abrasive than Ken Mehlman.

Face the Nation: A politically incorrect inquiry: Is it possible for Rudy Giuliani to open his mouth without saying, "September 11th"?

Fox News Sunday: I don't like Bill Kristol. His righteous indignation over the Mary Cheney remark is as incongruous to his personality as Dan Rather's head is to his body. (I've seen Dan Rather; his head is huge compared to his body. And conveniently he's the one guy everyone can make fun of with impunity at the moment. Poor Dan Rather. He's probably a really nice guy.) Mary Cheney 3-4 min. versus Osama bin Laden 0 min. 0 sec.

Update: PBS
Inside Washington: Mary Cheney 5 min. versus Osama bin Laden 0. Charles Krauthammer takes charge of the Republican Mary Cheney indignation gravy train. On an unrelated point, in Krauthammer's Friday column he talked of Edwards's, admittedly idiotic, claim that the lame would walk again under a Kerry administration, " In my 25 years in Washington, I have never seen a more loathsome display of demagoguery." What follows that is more interesting and shows the kind of one-way mirror world this guy lives in, "Hope is good. False hope is bad. Deliberately, for personal gain, raising false hope in the catastrophically afflicted is despicable." I couldn't agree more, but would apply the same reasoning to the President's assessment of Iraq.

McLaughlin Group: Mary Cheney 6-7 min. versus yep you guessed it. Bush-Cheney obliterated the Democrats on post-debate spin. I imagine many Democratic strategists took the same view I did of the Osama gaffe, i.e. embarrassing, but in the end just a misstatement by the President and therefore didn't bother to play it up. Instead they wanted to spin a sweep of the debates and didn't give this cheap shot much, if any, emphasis. The Republicans have demonstrated once again that such considerations are for chumps (. Every minute spent on the talk shows and every inch printed in the papers about Mary Cheney are resources that are not going to talking about substance. This is a zero-sum game. John Kerry can win on substance, but he needs as much of it as possible in the press. He cannot afford these distractions. Mary Cheney has stopped what could have been terminal momentum for the Kerry campaign coming out of that last debate. I am 70% confident that Kerry is going to win anyway, but if he doesn't I'll pin it on that moment and the press's reaction fueled by the Bush spin.

This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos: I don't remember any Mary Cheney, but I could be mistaken. What I do remember is wishing during the Jeb Bush interview that we could do some sort of swap.


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