
Monday, September 27, 2004

Nothing like being mistaken for a straw man to kill your pride

So I'm just cruising through the blogosphere, minding my own business, leaving some comments at IsThatLegal? (a really good blog with a cogent shredding of Michelle Malkin's "In Defense of Internment") which I think are brilliant and point out the significant difference between saying, "Foreign leaders support me."(-paraphrasing John Kerry) and "Foreign terrorists support John Kerry." (-paraphrasing Bush campaign). You can decide for yourself here (just click on the comments in the "HypocrisyLine" post). Anyway, there's another guy on there whom it seems fair to characterize as a Bush supporter and he and I post back and forth and then one of the regulars at the blog seems to think that this Bush supporter is using my name to set up a straw man for himself. Apparently my arguments are so weak that they can't be taken seriously as coming from someone who actually disagrees with said Bush supporter. Who knew?

I put a link to my blog in the comment thinking that the brilliance of my arguments would lead many people to see what else I had to offer so this post should go some way towards proving that, no, no one is using my name; my idiocy is my own product and I won't have anyone else laying claim to it.

I'm still hoping somehow this is a misunderstanding and the brilliance of my arguments is being recognized far and wide as I post this. I've emailed the guy who seems to think that I'm a straw man to ask him if that's what he really does, unbelievably, think. Standby for confirmation.

If I'm correctly understanding that I'm being called a straw man there is yet more to the story because if I am the student in question I am also, unbeknownst to me, under some manner of court order.


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