
Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I'm sick. My wastebasket is full of kleenexes which are all full of snot. My sheets are still damp after six hours of drying from my sweaty, fevered sleep. The whites of my eyes look like spiderwebs of bloody veins and I've drank gallons of orange juice, green tea, lemon tea, and tea with honey over the last couple of days.

But I'm going to miss being sick. I only rarely get sick and it's actually nice to have an excuse to lay in bed reading and falling asleep again all day, especially when it's raining outside like it was today. Plus, thinking during the flu with a fever(or a bad cold, I'm not sure what I have) is comletely different than thinking normally. I don't seem to come very far with any one thought, but they seem to race around especially quickly when I have a fever.

School is going pretty well. I gave a presentation in German in one of my classes last Friday and it went fairly well. Between my two political finance-related classes and the one I had last semester I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on the basic ideas of this interesting area.


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